
A picture’s worth a thousand...dollars?

Blake Warren, Director of Marketing at Handlr

Looking for a proven, sure-fire way to boost engagement and gain more attention to your business? Compelling visuals can be just as important as the content, using high-quality, attractive images can help tell your company's story, and engage your viewers.


Hubspot recently dropped some stats regarding the importance of quality images:


  • Facebook posts featuring images get 2.3 times more engagement than posts without images.

  • Articles featuring an image every 75-100 words pull double the number of social shares than articles with fewer images.

  • Infographics are liked and shared on social media three times more than any other type of content.

  • Buffer reported that for its user base, tweets with images were retweeted 150 percent more than text-only tweets.


Clearly, if photos aren’t a focus in your social media, email campaigns and other customer outlets, they should be. Now where do you find these images? Obviously if you have the means, taking photos or having your staff take them can provide real, genuine insight into your business. Unfortunately, many of us don’t have access to quality cameras and an iPhone can only take us so far. Or maybe your business doesn’t exactly offer the most exciting subjects to photograph. So, while Shutterstock and other paid services provide great quality photos, there are plenty of free options to consider as well. Here are a couple of our favorites:


Picjumbo, “totally free photos for your commercial and personal works,” Thousand of High-res photos with an easy to browse catalogue.

FreeImages has a huge library of images provided by the public. Most are free, however a few do ask you to pay.

Shutterstock - If you’re willing to budget in a small monthly payment, you simply can’t go wrong with Shutterstock. Boasting the most extensive library of images on the web, there’s a reason it’s number one.


Want to edit your new photos? Canva is a great option for a free editing tools to customize and get those images just right.